Thursday, August 6, 2015

Alright guys. Today I just want to discuss about some random issues. Not to take this too serious ( just like we're having a conversation with the aroma of coffee. Okay that's nonsense)  even though the content of the discussion might touch a little bit about politic, economic or stuff.  But actually this might be our responsibilities to society or even to ourselves.

Last few days, my lecturer asked us, I mean my classmates. "If you're given an authority, what changes that you want to do?" So yeah, my mind keep pondering on this question. This is quite a challenging question and a heavy issue to be discussed.
For me, the changes can be in many scope. But the scope that I want to view is about our society.

 Ok. Let us imagine. One day, you walk alone at a market, specifically at a night market to buy foods. Then someone beg you for some money. Maybe, some of us feel sympathy and give the money to them. I guess that's a good value. But some of us tend to ignore them without any sympathy.

Before that, I want to share a story based on my experience. One day, my family and I were eating at a stall (somewhere around the world). While waiting for the food to be served suddenly, a man came to sell kopiah and Al-mathurat. I believe this guy was not from any organisation or being forced by anyone else to sell it. Looking from his appearances, he was looking for money to survive. I felt touched but at the same time sad because a lot of people out here are still struggling for money while others can easily swap their credit card. Can you see the border? The saddest thing is it happens in Malaysia. That is one thing. Then, again while we're eating a woman came and begged some money. My father said, it is good to give money to them, but in Islam our Prophet taught us not to be lazy. At least if you want to earn money, you have to work( halal one of course). Plus, government also have many institutions and organisations under Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat that pick the beggars and teach them any skills for example sewing, cooking, and etc. 

Back to the question. If I have the authority to make a changes in my country, I want to extinguish the border, an enormous range between the poor and rich. We need some other alternatives to help the poor one. Obviously I will not easily give them money. Maybe, they need to do something to earn money instead of giving them money and we dont know where the money gone. Im saying this to young generations especially. Its all about the mindset. First thing is to set our mindset. 
Hey followers. What are doing? How's your raya? Great? Fab? hope everything going well. Not much to say. Since a few of my friends will further their study at US earlier than other MADPP students. I guess, they might need this video as a guide. Definitely, this video is from seniors.

click on this link

Btw, dont forget to left your comments about the video. I love comments. hahahah ;p

Monday, August 3, 2015

29/4/2015- Wednesday

1. Intransigent
- completely unwilling to change
- Synonyms: adamant, adamantine, bullheaded, dogged, hard, hardened, hardheaded, hard-nosed, headstrong, immovable, implacable, inconvincible, inflexible
No one could Chang his intransigent behavior except for himself.

2. Modicum
- a small amount
- Synonyms: beans, bubkes , continental, damn, darn (also durn), diddly, diddly-squat , doodley-squat, fig, ghost, hoot, iota, lick, jot, rap, squat
only a modicum of skill is necessary to put the kit together.

3. Perfunctory
- used to describe something that is done without energy or enthusiasm because of habit or because it is expected
- Synonyms: apathetic, casual, complacent, disinterested, incurious, insensible, insouciant, nonchalant
Perfunctory performance make that occasion dull.

4. emaciated
- to waste away physically
- Synonyms: decay, droop, weaken, fade, fail, flag, go, lag, languish

5. Gritty
-  containing very small pieces of sand or stone

28/4/2015- Tuesday

1. Mitigate
- to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful
- Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
This medicine should mitigate the pain until the strained muscle heals itself.

2. Suppress
- to end or stop (something) by force
- Synonyms: burke, cover (up), hush (up)
The government tried to suppress the truth about that incident but it seems like the effort would never work because of some irresponsible side.

3. Virulent
- full of hate or anger
- Synonyms: bad, bitchy, catty, cruel, despiteful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, hateful 
I never talk to him because of his virulent face that he showed me every time we meet.

4. Gambol
- to run or jump in a lively way
- Synonyms: binge, frisk, frolic, fling, idyll, lark, ploy, revel, rollick, romp, spree
She don't want to ruin up her life again to another useless man instead, she gambol herself to isolated island to tfind tranquility.

5. Covetous
- feeling or showing a very strong desire for something that you do not have and especially for something that belongs to someone else
- Synonyms: acquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, greedy, grabby, grasping, mercenary, moneygrubbing, rapacious
A covetous person will never satisfied with the things that they have.

27/4/2015- Monday

1. Attenuate
- to make something weaker or less in amount, effect, or force
-  Synonyms: depreciate, break, cheapen, depress, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower, mark down, reduce

2. Peremprory
- having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they should be obeyed without question
- Synonyms: authoritarian, authoritative, autocratic , despotic, dictatorial, domineering, imperious, masterful, overbearing, bossy
She had such a peremptory approach to running the club that people started to avoid her

3. Bemoan
- to say that you are unhappy about something
- Synonyms: lament, bewail, deplore, grieve for, mourn, wail for
She bemoaned the death of her mother at the funeral.

4. Emancipate
- to free someone from someone else's control or power
- Synonyms: discharge, disenthrall, free, enfranchise, enlarge, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, release

5. Whet
- to make (something, such as a person's appetite or curiosity) sharper or stronger
- Synonyms: edge, grind, hone, stone, strop, sharpen
Somehow, to whet others spirit isn't a crude things to do.

26/4/2015- Sunday

1. Squaff
- to drink a large amount of something quickly
- Synonyms: belt (down), gulp, guzzle, hoist, imbibe, knock back, pound (down), drink, sip
It's funny looking at that 'mat saleh' quaffed when he tried 'sambal belacan' for the first time.

2. Staunch
- very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause
- Synonyms: constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, down-the-line, fast, good, loyal
She is a staunch advocate of women's rights.

3. Vilification
- blackening someone's name
- Synonyms: aspersing, blackening, calumniation, calumny, character assassination, defamation, defaming, libel, libeling
Because of revenge, he vilicate his cousin for that position.

4. Quagmire
- a situation that is hard to deal with or get out of
- Synonyms: bind, box, catch-22, corner, dilemma, fix, hole, impasse, jackpot
For every problem, we have to find alternative way to get out of it so that we can avoid quagmire.

5. Vindicate
- to show that someone should not be blamed for a crime, mistake
- Synonyms: absolve, acquit, clear, exonerate, exculpate
Recent discoveries have generally vindicated the physicist's theories.

25/4/2015- Saturday

1. Parachial
- narrow-minded
- Synonyms: illiberal, insular, little, petty, picayune, provincial, sectarian, small
The parochial outlook of the people in that rural backwater.

2. Felicitous
- very well suited for some purpose or situation
- Synonyms: agreeable, blessed (also blest), congenial, darling, delectable, delicious, delightful, delightsome, dreamy
Her scarf felicitously matched with her shirt.

3.  Dirge
- a slow song that expresses sadness or sorrow
-Synonyms: lament, elegy, requiem
The dirge song remind me to my boyfriend that passed away 4 years ago.

4. Skimish
- a minor or brief argument or disagreement
- Synonyms: brush, hassle, run-in, scrape, encounter
Rebel groups are skirmishing with military forces.

5. Discern
- to detect with senses
- Synonyms: behold, catch, descry, see, distinguish, espy, eye, look (at), note, notice
We're still trying to discern the meaning of that meaning.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

24/4/2015- Friday

1. Choleric
- made angry easily
- Synonyms: irritable, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irascible, peevish, perverse, pettish
I absolutely get choleric when I found my bed full of mess.

2. Fecund
- producing or able to produce many babies, young animals, or plants
- Synonyms: cornucopian, fat, fertile, fructuous, fruitful, lush, luxuriant, productive, prolific, rich
Fecund plant give profits especially in genetic innovation.

3. Parity
- the quality or state of being equal or equivalent
Seems like everyone use their human's right to stand the parity for gender.

4. Userp
- to take and keep (something, such as power) in a forceful or violent way and especially without the right to do so
- Synonyms: arrogate, commandeer, convert, expropriate, pirate, preempt, press
Have we allowed their lies to usurp the truth?

5. Servile
- very obedient and trying too hard to please someone
- Synonyms: base, humble, menial
I had always maintained a servile attitude around people with money

23/4/2015- Thursday

1. Sanguinary
- bloodthirsty, murderous
The movie wads so sanguinary that I covered my eyes during at least half of it.

2. Tyro
- a person who has just started learning or doing something
- Synonyms: abecedarian, apprentice, babe, colt, cub, fledgling, freshman, greenhorn, neophyte, newbie
Indeed I am a good player of hockey since I was a tyro when I was 8 years old that I have to learn more to become at this stage.

3. Castigate
- to criticize (someone) harshly
- Synonyms: baste, bawl out, berate, call down, scold, chastise, chew out, dress down, flay, hammer, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste
Castigation somehow make our spirit to boost up.

4. Incantation
- a series of words used to make something magic happen
- Synonyms: abracadabra, bewitchment, charm, conjuration, enchantment
That mysterious pawang recited his incantation. Suddenly, a beautiful lady came out from the bottle in front of him.

5. Lynch
- to kill (someone) illegally as punishment for a crime
The accused killer was lynched by an angry mob.

22/4/2015- Wednesday

1. Despondent
- very sad and without hope
- Synonyms: despairing, desperate, forlorn, hopeless
I am feeling despondent over the death of her mother.

2. Inadvertent
- not intended or planned
- Synonyms: casual, chance, fluky (also flukey), fortuitous, accidental, incidental, unintended, unintentional, unplanned
An inadvertent vacations actually brings a lot of sweet memories.

3. Luscious
- very physically attractive
- Synonyms: ambrosial, appetizing, dainty, delectable, delish, flavorful, flavorsome, delicious, lush, mouthwatering, palatable, savory
Her luscious dress make everyone staring at her.

4. Oust
- to cause or force (someone or something) to leave a position of power, a competition, etc.
- Synonyms: banish, boot (out), bounce, cast out, chase, dismiss
The team was ousted from the tournament in the first round.

5. Predecessor
- a person who had a job or position before someone else
- Synonyms: antecedent, archetype, daddy, foregoer, forerunner, granddaddy

Saturday, July 11, 2015

21/4/2015- Tuesday

1. Gratis
- used to indicate that no money is paid for something
- Synonyms: complimentary, free, costless
If you sign up today, you get a 13-inch TV gratis.

2. Itinerant
- traveling from place to place
- Synonyms: ambulant, ambulatory, errant, fugitive, gallivanting , nomad, nomadic, perambulatory, peregrine, peripatetic, ranging, roaming
If I wes given a chance, I want to make my dream become reality which I want to be an itinerant musician.

3. Negate
- to cause something to not be effective
- Synonyms: contradict, disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, deny, negative, refute, reject
Small amount of lime water negate the reaction.

4. Pertest
- small and attractive
- Synonyms: active, airy, animate, animated, bouncing, brisk, energetic, frisky, gay, jaunty, jazzy, kinetic, mettlesome, peppy, perky, lively, pizzazzy, racy, snappy, spanking, sparky
He laughed at the girl's pert answer.

5. Recapitulate
- to give a brief summary of something
- Synonyms: abstract, boil down, brief, digest, encapsulate, epitomize, outline
Before we start our visit, the manager of the chocolate factory recapitulate us about the do's and don't in the factory.

20/4/2015- Monday

1. egregious
- very bad and easily noticed
- Synonyms: blatant, conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, gross, obvious
His essay contain a lot of egregious grammar mistakes that he need ample of practice to improve it.

2. Nefarious
- evil or immoral
- Synonyms: black, dark, evil, immoral, iniquitous, bad, rotten, sinful, unethical, unlawful, unrighteous, unsavory
From my view, illegal logging is one of nefarious activities like "hello, we need trees to stat alive".

3. Subversion
- a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within

4. Blaspheme
- to talk about God or religion in a way that does not show respect

5. Egress
- a way to get out of a place or the act of leaving a place
- Synonyms: exit, issue, outlet
By hook or by crook, we have to find egress by tonight.

19/4/2015- Sunday

1. Waive
- to officially say that you will not use or require something that you are allowed to have or that is usually required
She waived her right to a lawyer.

2. Congenital
- naturally having a specified character
- Synonyms: born, natural, innate
The congenital birth mark at my right arm same as my mom.

3. Egalitarianism
- a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
Egalitarianism that highlighted Abraham Lincoln should be used to maintain senerity of a country.

4. Belabor
- to talk about something for too long
- Antonyms: disregard, forget, ignore, overlook, overpass
There's no need to belabor other people's flaws when you're hardly perfect yourself.

5. Connoisseur
- a person who knows a lot about something
- Synonyms: cognoscente, dilettante
You just need to state the word that you don't know then she will explain it just like connoisseur.

Such a lazy Sunday. Wwaaarghhh. Somehow I felt envy with Class F that they usually don't have class at morning session. Hey! Wake up Shiro! Yeah chaiyok. -________-

In this case, just assume that Sunday is Monday, and so on.

18/4/2015- Saturday

1. Gibber
- to talk in a fast or foolish way
- Synonyms: bumble, chat, chatter, drivel, drool, gabble, babble, jabber
Stop gibbering. Take a deep breath and say the words one by one.

2. Myriad
- a very large number ofthings
- Synonyms: divers, multifarious, manifold
Myriad ideas about the pipe innovation male me confuse.

3. Perpend
- to reflect on carefully
- Synonyms: chew over, cogitate, consider, contemplate, debate, deliberate, entertain, eye, kick around, meditate, ponder
Perpend your past on what you have done.

4. Subterfuge
- the use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, or get something
- Synonyms: artifice, chicane, chicanery, gamesmanship, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, jugglery, legerdemain, skulduggery
Politician subterfuge authority by giving money in order to gain supporters.

5. Beguile
- to attract or interest someone
- Synonyms: allure, charm, bewitch, captivate, enchant, fascinate, kill, magnetize, wile, witch
The magician effortlessly beguiled and amazed the children.

16/4/2015- Thursday

1. Efface
- to cause something to fade or disappear
- Synonyms: abolish, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up), annihilate, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate
Malay tradition such as eating with hand somehow afface at by day.

2. Irksome
- annoying or irritating
- Synonyms: abrasive, aggravating, bothersome, carking, chafing, disturbing, exasperating, frustrating, galling, annoying, irritating, maddening
The irksome habit of leaving left over food on the dining table is so gross.

3. Mutable
- able or likely to change often
- Synonyms: capricious, changeable, changeful, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, fickle, skittish, temperamental, uncertain, unpredictable
His mutable expression make me confuse on what his feeling right now.

4. Subpoena
- law : a written order that commands someone to appear in court to give evidence
He was subpoenaed to testify in a hearing.

5. Ratify
- to make (a treaty, agreement, etc.) official by signing it or voting for it
Synonyms: accredit, approbate, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, formalize, homologate

15/4/2015- Wednesday

1. Munificent
- very generous
- Synonyms: bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, free, freehanded, freehearted, fulsome, liberal, generous, open
That munificent man had donated about a million for charity event.

2. Rant
- to talk loudly and in a way that shows anger
- Synonyms: diatribe, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, tirade
She rant from the window as the noise keep distracting her sleeping time at night.

3. Stupefy
- to shock or surprise someone very much
- Synonyms: amaze, astonish, astound, bowl over, dumbfound, flabbergast
His proposal for me to be his wife stupefied me and I really don't know how to react with this situation.

4. Voluminous
- very large
- Synonyms: big, biggish, boxcar, bulky, considerable, goodly, grand, great, handsome, hefty, hulking, husky, largish, outsize
Decorating tips to help make voluminous rooms feel cozy

5. Conflate
- to bring together
Be careful not to conflate gossip with real news

14/3/2015- Tuesday

1. Condone
- to forgive or approve something that is considered wrong
- Synonyms: blink (at), brush (aside or off), excuse, discount, disregard, forgive, gloss (over), gloze (over), ignore, overlook, overpass, paper over, pardon, pass over, remit,
he is too quick to condone his friend's faults

2. Mundane
- dull and ordinary
- Synonyms: everyday, nitty-gritty, prosaic, terrestrial, workaday
I can't cope with mundane routine as I prefer to stay outside for outdoor activities.

3. Rancor
- an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has treated you unfairly
- Synonyms: animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, bad blood, bitterness, gall, grudge, hostility, jaundice, enmity
For me, revenge for any rancor doesn't solve the problem as it will make the problem even worst.

4. Strut
- to become turgid
My mom ask me to strut the spinanch in the water before cut them.

5. Voluble
- talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way
His volubleness during the speech doesn't make any of us fell sleepy.

Madam. Get well soon madam. So, today we visit madam Zu as she had an accident two days ago. Gasp. Feel relieved when we know that she is in a good condition. Just some minor injuries she said. Hope it isn't worst at all.

We decided to visit madam. Yes. To ensure that madam was I. A good condition.

17/4/2015- Friday

1. Voracious
- having or showing a tendency to eat very large amounts of food
- Synonyms: edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, hoggish, piggish, rapacious, ravenous, swinish
Since he is an voracious eater, I planned to organize a competition to find the person that can beat him.

2. Revenue
- money that is made by or paid to a business or an organization
- Synonyms: earnings, gain, incoming, proceeds, profit, return
The struggling business didn't create much revenue during its first year of operation

3. Befuddle
- to muddle or stupefy
- Synonyms: addle, baffle, bamboozle, beat, befog, confuse, bemuse, bewilder, buffalo, confound, discombobulate, disorient, flummox
The participants of the 'Spell It Right Competition' befuddled by the pronunciation of the words.

4. Confound
- to surprise and confuse someone or something
- Synonyms: addle, baffle, bamboozle, beat, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, buffalo, confuse, discombobulate, disorient, flummox, fox, fuddle, get
Mak Leha confounded she she found out that his favorite vase imported from China had broken.

5. Effigy
- an image of a person
Effigy of his love hanging properly at side of his room.

Friday, July 10, 2015

13/4/2015- Monday

1. Blunderbuss
- an old-fashioned kind of gun with a wide opening at the end
- Synonyms: butcher, blunderer, botcher, bumbler, bungler, fumbler
Leave that blunderbuss at the safe place where children couldn't reach it.

2. Cringe
- to feel disgust or embarrassment and often to show this feeling by a movement of your face or body
- Synonyms: blench, flinch, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, wince

3. Envenom
- to make poisonous
- Synonyms: antagonize, empoison
The effort of cheating just to envenom her teammate.

4. Tenacious
- not easily stopped or pulled apart
-  Synonyms: dogged, insistent, patient, persevering, pertinacious, persistent
you'll have a devil of a time getting those tenacious burrs off of your wool sweater

5. Accolade
- an award or an expression of praise
-  Synonyms: encomium, citation, commendation, dithyramb, eulogium, eulogy, homage
At last, my sacrifices and efforts paid when I accoladed with the best student award for my final semester.

Heyya. Well actually, I don't really have any story to tell you but urm....

Do you know who is Niko? Niko is my imaginary friend that I spent a lot of time including sleep, eat and play. Nahhh. Just kidding. Niko is Aina's hamster. We bought it on 14/3/2015. On that particular time, his age was 20 days. So now, his age evenly 1 month ++. Yeah. Matured enough. And Niko got new friend named Niki!! Yeah!! Syark and I bought it for Niko. But actually, we hoped that Niki was a faminine, adorable and female so that we can get new babies. Sadly Niki was a male. So, nothing happened between them unless if they are gay. 

12/4/2015- Sunday

1. Abstemious
- not eating and drinking too much
- Synonyms: abstentious, abstinent, continent, self-abnegating, self-denying, sober, temperate
She is too obsess about diet and abstemiousness to get ideal weight.

2. Blithe
- showing a lack of proper thought or care
- Synonyms: cheerful, blithesome, bright, buoyant, canty
He was blithe about the risks to his health.

3. Crepuscule
- twilight
- Synonyms: dusk, eve, evenfall, evening, eventide, gloaming, night, nightfall, sundown, sunset
From the deck of our sloop we watched as the island slowly faded from sight in the golden crepuscule of a beautiful Caribbean day

4. Pliable
- able to bend, fold, or twist easily
- Synonyms: bendy , flexible, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, willowy, pliant, supple
Jeopardize our self by pliabling with people make our life ruin.

5. Rescind
- to say officially that something is no longer valid
- Synonyms: abandon, abort, call, call off, cry off, drop, recall, repeal, cancel, revoke, scrap, scrub
The library refused to rescind its decision to include the controversial book in its collection

11/4/2015 - Saturday

1. Lachrymose
- tending to cause tears
- Synonym: tearful, teary, weepy
Do not let the lachrymose be the obstacle of our life.

2. Obfuscate
- to make something more difficult to understand
- Synonyms: becloud, befog, blur, cloud, fog, muddy, confuse
Third person make the problem obfuscate and complicated.

3. Plethora
- an amount that is much greater than what is necessary
- Synonyms: abundance, cornucopia, feast, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, superabundance, wealth
Teachers give plethora effort to make the students success but actually it depends on students effort.

4. Repudiate
- to refuse to accept or support something
- Synonyms: contradict, disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, negate, negative, refute, reject, deny
We didn't like the terms, so we repudiated the contract.

5. Tedium
- the quality or state of being tedious or boring
-  Synonyms: blahs, doldrums, ennui, listlessness, restlessness, boredom
I hate the tedium of spending a hot afternoon trapped inside the house.

So here am I am. Oops. Here we're, at the peak of Broga hill. Yeah all the effort paid for the boom boom scenery. Subhanallah.

At least, we spent ample of time together did some productive activities rather than vegetate in the room with the tedious routine. Daaaaa.

Actually this isnt a planned vacation. The idea came when suddenly Syark said that she want to go to Broga hills. Then, we just booked a car and overnight at Syark's kindergarten. Actually her mom's kindergarten.

To watch the moment of sunrise, we have to hike early. So yeah, this is the result. Splendid.


9/4/2015- Thursday

1. Blatant
- very obvious and offensive
- Synonyms: vociferous, caterwauling, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, squawking
It is okay to voice out our own ideas or view but the way she blatantly argued with the old man was so rude.  

2. Eschew
- to avoid something especially because you do not think it is right, proper, etc.
- Synonyms: avoid, dodge, duck, elude, escape, evade, finesse, get around, scape, shake
She want to eschew the car from the child but suddenly her car lost control and she died.

3. Hasten
- to cause (something) to happen more quickly
- Synonyms: accelerate, bundle, fast-track, hurry, quicken, rush, speed, whisk
To make the dough raise hastenly, better to put yeast.

4. Obdurate
- refusing to do what other people want
- Synonyms: affectless, callous, case-hardened, cold-blooded, compassionless
I refused to do the punishment in the game truth and dare.

5. Reprieve
- to delay the punishment of (someone, such as a prisoner who is sentenced to death)
He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.

Hooray. Come on guys. Let's go to the chatime! Woah wait. What is chatime? Ok, basically chatime is the night where the English Committee organize some activities in front of the theatrette. All of the student in KKTM LEDANG are invited to join. There are many enjoyable entertainment. You can sing, play with the board games and the most crucial are the FOODS!! They provide fruits, coffee, biscuits, breads, chocolate, cocktails etc,
But, with the condition where everyone must speak in ENGLISH.

8/4/2015- Tuesday

1. Tangible
- easily seen or recognized
-  Synonyms: palpable, touchable
Even though she try to hide her tangible wound cause by the accident, but the wound still can be seen clearly.

2. Abrogate
- to end or cancel something in a formal and official way
- Synonyms: abate, abolish, annul, avoid, cancel, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate
He still want to abrogate the event while the company agreed to sponsor all the payment.

3. Blasphemy
- great disrespect shown to God or to something holy
- Synonyms: defilement, desecration, impiety, irreverence, profanation, sacrilege

4. Plaudit
- an act or round of applause
-  Synonyms: acclamation, cheer, cheering, ovation, plaudit, rave, réclame
The proud parents bragged that their daughter had received many plaudits for her academic achievements.

5. Tardy
- slow in moving, acting, or happening
- Synonyms: crawling, creeping, dallying, dawdling, dilatory, dillydallying, dragging
The tardy car made the traffic jammed.

7/4/2015- Monday

1. Noxious
- harmful to living things
-  Synonyms: insalubrious, noisome, unhealthy, sickly, unhealthful, unwholesome
Driving when you're sleepy can cause noxious accident.

2. Nuance
- a very small difference in color, tone, meaning, etc.
I like the nuance of the wall at living room that make me feel relax.

3. Harangue
- a forceful or angry speech
- Synonyms: diatribe, tirade, jeremiad, philippic, rant
After that terrible cases, the principal naver talk nicely with student as he felt really frustrated. Plus, he harangued in his speech during the assembly yesterday.

4. Labyrinth
- something that is extremely complicated or difficult to understand
- Synonyms: maze, rabbit warren
I couldn't stand with the laabyrinth formula of mathematic. So I decided to sleep instead of studying.

5. Nullify
- to cause (something) to lose its value or to have no effect
- Synonyms: abate, abrogate, annul, avoid, cancel, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, negate, null, abolish, quash, repeal, rescind, roll back, strike down, vacate, void

5/4/2015- Saturday

1. Bedrudge
- to think that someone does not deserve something
- Synonyms: envy,resent
Like Cinderella story, her stepsister actually bedrudge with Cinderella's beauty.

2. Fad
- something (such as an interest or fashion) that is very popular for a short time
- Synonyms: buzz, chic, craze, dernier cri, enthusiasm, fashion, flavor, go
Everyone believe to the fad diet that they aren't take carb. In fact, carb really help to give adequate energy for daily life.

3.  Errand
- a short journey that you take to do or get something
Journey to the apex of your life where you can lay down your body happily on your bed isn't an errand. It require you to sacrifice and  do not give up.

4. Inurement
-to cause someone to be less affected by something unpleasant
- Synonyms: fortify, indurate, harden, season, steel, strengthen, toughen
the hardship of army training inured her to the rigors of desert warfare

5. Eerie
- strange and mysterious
- Synonyms: creepy, haunting, spookish, spooky, uncanny
Eerie sound come from the locked door next to my room.

Miss her already. She's the most excited person whenever I'm home. Haha. Sounds funny when I back home, she will treat me very well. She order the same beverage at restaurant, she want to be fetched from school by me only, go to the playground together at evening and etc.
And whenever I call my mom, it is a must for her to talk with me, or else she will cry. Btw, her name is Nur Qisya Aliya :)

10/4/2015- Friday

1. Gaudy
- too bright and heavily decorated
- Synonyms: flamboyant, flaring, flashy, garish, glitzy, loud, noisy, ostentatious
Being in the gaudy room make me feel dizzy.

2. Credulous
- easily fooled or cheated
Somehow, his credulous character make people around him feel comfort.

3. Enshroud
-  to cover something or someone in a way that makes seeing or understanding difficult
- Synonyms: belie, blanket, blot out, cloak, conceal, cover, curtain, disguise, hide, mask, obscure, occult
The criminal organization uses a strictly enforced vow of silence to enshroud its villainous doings.

4. Abstain
- to choose not to do or have something
I abstained rather than suffering in the future.

5. Haughtiness
- having or showing the insulting attitude of people who think that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people
- Synonyms: assumptive, bumptious, cavalier, chesty, arrogant, highfalutin, high-and-mighty, high-handed
Many student make the report about the haughtiness of the group named ' Lollipop'.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

6/4/2015- Sunday

1. Invoke
- to mention (someone or something) in an attempt to make people feel a certain way or have a certain idea in their mind
- Synonyms: beget, breed, bring, bring about, bring on, catalyze, cause, create, do, draw on, effectuate, engender
We have to use other way in order to invoke the them.

2. Morph
- to change gradually and completely from one thing into another thing usually in a way that is surprising or that seems magical

3. Fastidious
- very careful about how you do something
- Synonyms: choosy, dainty, delicate, demanding, exacting, finicky
My brother work as architect said that every plan of a design have to be fastidious especially with the scale.

4. Coincide
- to happen at the same time as something else
- Synonyms: accompany, attend, coexist, concur, co-occur, synchronize
The big event of the school coincide with my birthday party.

5. Convene
- to come together in a group for a meeting
- Synonyms: assemble, call, convoke, muster, summon
They convened in the auditorium hall to discuss about the major issue of the school.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

4/4/2015 - Friday

1. perpetuate
- to cause (something that should be stopped
-synonyms: eternalize, immortalize
We hope to perpetuate this nonsense tradition that make our community bad.

2. Fleece
- a soft cloth that is used to make warm clothes
- Synonyms: coat, fur, hair, jacket, pelage, pile, wool
I would like to have that fleece jacket for this winter.

3. Diabolic
- extremely evil
- Synonyms: cacodemonic, demoniac
The police quickly mobilized to track down the diabolical serial killer

4. Fete
- a large party or celebration
-  Synonyms: affair, bash, binge, blast, blowout, do, event
My younger sister's fete birthday thus year is the grandest birthday ever.

5. Conundrum
- confusing or difficult problem
-Synonyms: closed book, mystery, enigma, head-scratcher
Today's generation should realized how grateful they are as compared to the archaic generation that faced the conundrum.

Happy 19th anniversary Ibu & Abah. I know both of you sacrificed a lot for me having such this fortune life. All the ups and down, tears and laugh. I really appreciate it. Haha. I went out with them just now. After so long(not too long actually) being in hostel. Hurm. They made my day :')

3/4/2015- Thursday

1. Macabre
- involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant
- Synonyms: appalling, atrocious, awful, dreadful, frightful, ghastly, grisly
The macabre death of my neighbor that appeared as the main topic of the news was unexpected.

2. Incense
- a substance that is used often in religious ceremonies to produce a strong and pleasant smell when it is burned
- Synonyms: aroma, attar (also otto), balm, bouquet, fragrancy, fragrance, perfume, redolence, scent, spice

3. Aphorism
- a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea
- Synonyms: adage, saying, apothegm, byword, epigram, maxim, proverb
His speech is short but have a deep meaning as he use aphorism to deliver his messages.

4. Incumbent
- a person who holds a particular office or position
- Synonyms: compulsory, forced, imperative, mandatory, involuntary, necessary, nonelective, obligatory, peremptory, required
The incumbent members of the organization are very generous.

5. Perpetrate
- to do something that is illegal or wrong
- Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, bring off, carry off, carry out, commit, compass
I miss my school moment to perpetrate and the joyful with my friends.

2/4/2015- Wednesday

1. Fledgling
- someone or something that is getting started in a new activity
-  Synonyms: abecedarian, apprentice, babe, colt, cub, beginner, freshman
She still fledgling in this group. Being a responsibility for everyone in the group to teach her.

2. Irascible
- becoming angry very easily
-Synonyms: choleric, crabby, cranky, cross, crotchety, fiery, grouchy, grumpy, irritable, peevish
She is an irescible person especially when someone talk about family issue.

3. Remorse
- a feeling of being sorry for doing something bad or wrong in the past
- Synonyms: contriteness, contrition, penitence, regret, guilt
I felt a deep remorse for accidentally spill the coffee at his shirt.

4. Grovel
- to treat someone with too much respect or fear in a way that shows weakness in order to be forgiven or to gain approval or favor
- synonyms: cringe, cower, quail
The way in which the abused dog would grovel whenever its owner came near

5. Villainous
- very bad or evil
- Synonyms: black, dark, evil, immoral, iniquitous, nefarious, rotten, sinful
The character of the hero in the movie somehow can be categorized as a villainous character.

1/4/2015- Tuesday

1. Imponderable
- not able to be measured or judged exactly
Her art was too imponderable

2. Vacuous
-  having or showing a lack of intelligence or serious thought
- Synonyms: bare, blank, clean, devoid, stark
Everyone laugh at his vacuous speech last night.

3. Demure
- quiet and polite
- Synonyms: coquettish, coy, kittenish
Everyone adore her demure behavior.

4. Abysmal
- extremely poor or bad
-Synonyms: deep, bottomless, profound
The abysmal condition of the village without electricity source and clean water make us to decide to have a community service there.

5. Stymie
- to stop (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening
- Synonyms: clog, cramp, embarrass, encumber, fetter, handcuff, handicap, hinder
In order to stymie the bad habit of yourself, the best way to cease it is by making ourselves busy with works.

29/3/2015- Sunday

1. Sanctimonious
- pretending to be morally better than other people
Exactly, people nowadays only judge by the person by first impression. In that case, sanctimonious really help while actualy, in the reality they're not.

2. Peruse
- to examine or read  in a very careful way
Teacher Norbita perused the essay of her student so that the mark could be given accurately.

3. Clemency
- kind or merciful treatment of someone who could be given harsh punishment
- Synonyms: charity, mercy, forbearance, lenience
We as the organizer of the event chose to show clemency instead of not being professional on dealing with irresponsible person.

4. Palliate
- to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh
- Synonyms: deodorize, excuse, explain away, extenuate
I not prefer to take paracetamol to palliate fever as I believe that physical exercise and drink a lot of plain water actually help to heal it.

5. Jocular
- liking to tell jokes
- Synonyms: clever, facetious
He can be jocular only with his emotionless face.

28/3/2015- Saturday

1. Genteel
- pretending or trying to have the qualities and manners of people who have high social status
-  Synonyms: befitting, correct, decent, decorous, de rigueur, proper, nice, polite
Genteel people never mix up with bad people.

2. Aphoristic
- a short phrase that expresses a true or wise idea
- Synonyms: adage, saying, apothegm, byword, epigram, maxim, proverb
His brilliant idea that described aphoristically with acceptable examples make others to convince him.

3. Snide
- unkind or insulting in an indirect way
- Synonyms: base, contemptible, currish, despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable, execrable, ignominious
A good friend never snide even during the cumbersome moment.

4. Raffish
-not completely acceptable or respectable but interesting and attractive
- Synonyms: common, crass, crude, gross, ill-bred, illiberal, incult, insensible
Even though her article was rejected by the professor, but from my point of view it is a nice article.

5. Virago
- an angry woman who often complains about and criticizes other people
-Synonyms: battle, dragon lady, fury, harpy
Woman normally famous with their virago behavior.

27/3/2015- Friday

1. Connive
- to secretly help someone do something dishonest or illegal
I felt guilty for conniving to Chang his grade for semester exam.

2. Flounder
-  to have a lot of problems and difficulties
- Synonyms: blunder, bumble, flog
I'm favor of swimming. But honestly, I'm floundering and almost drown in the swimming pool.

3. Melee
- a confused struggle or fight involving many people
- Synonyms: affray, broil, donnybrook, fracas, fray, free-for-all, brawl

4. Renege
- to refuse to do something that you promised or agreed to do
- Synonyms: back down, back off, back out, cop out, fink out, go back on
Encik Zaki became indignant when the leery catering company reneged to do the package offered instead they increase the price.

5. Tout
- to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services
- Synonyms: ballyhoo, blow up, crack up, cry up, glorify, trumpet, tub-thump
The promoters from different stalls touted the customers to buy their products.

Hey dude. Frankly speak, this is my first time. And not bad because my team won. Fight with D class represented by Peah, Murad and he he don't remember the other one.  Splendid moment and experience though. Somehow, I think this might be a good way to improve my english. Good job Hermes.

Look at this.

26/3/2015- Thursday

1. Vie
- to fight for something
- Synonyms: battle, contend
They're vying each other to stand their points.

2. Exhort
- to try to influence someone by words or advice
- Synonyms: egg (on), encourage, urge, goad, nudge
The present or of the project plays a major role to exhort the audience.

3. Pristine
- completely clean, fresh, neat, etc.
-  Synonyms: brand-new, mint, fresh, span-new, virgin, untouched
The pristine condition of the room at the house doesn't show any prove of being rob.

4. Acme
- the highest point of something
- Synonyms: height, apex, apogee, capstone, climax, crescendo, crest, crown, culmination
The acme of my life is want to put the smile with tears at my parent's aching face.

5. Mesmerize
-to hold the attention of someone entirely
- Synonyms: arrest, bedazzle, catch up, enchant, fascinate
Members of the hall are mesmerized by the dancing performance of Lisa.

30/3/2015- Monday

1. Pittance
- a very small amount of money
Poverty doesn't mean that they're pittance but actually they're rich in manner.

2. Presumptuous
- too confident especially in a way that is rude
- Synonyms: bold, familiar, forward, free, immodest, overfamiliar, presuming
Presumptuous can be a silent killer of your success.

3. Pinnacle
- the best or most important part of something
- Synonyms: acme, apex, apogee, capstone, climax, crescendo, crest, crown, culmination
You have to watch that movie especially the pinnacle part.

4. Chauvinist
- the belief that your country, race, etc., is better than any other
- Synonyms: jingoism, nationalism,super patriotism
My teacher always advice us not to let people condemn our country in another word to be chauvanist especially when we are traveling.

5. Beatific
- showing complete happiness
I just want to see her beatific smile on her face.

Monday, July 6, 2015

25/3/2015- Wedneaday

1. Brusquely
- talking or behaving in a very direct
- Synonyms: abrupt, bluff, blunt
She have no friend because of her brusque attitude that make others offense.

2. Perplex
- to confuse very much
- Synonyms: complex, complexify, embarrass, entangle
I need someone to make me understand this perplex formula.

3. Seethe
- to feel or show strong emotion (such as anger) even though you try to control it
- Synonyms: boil, churn, moil, roil
The teacher see the when her student asked a sensitive question about her marriage.

4. Preempt
- to prevent something from happening
- Synonyms: arrogate, commandeer, convert, expropriate
To preempt from being fat, one should practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.


Gi there! Introducing the most beautiful, gorgeous and fabulous girls in KKTM LEDANG. hahhahaha

24/3/2015- Tuesday

1. Relegate
- to put someone or something in a lower or less important position, rank
- Synonyms: deport, displace
In Islam we are not allowed to do any wrongdoing. But, as a concern community, when people realize of their wrongdoing, we have to guide them not relegate them.

2. Indignant
- very angry
- Synonyms: angered, apoplectic, ballistic
Puan Qharina became indignant when her students cheated during the exam.

3. Rankle
- to cause someone to feel angry or irritated especially for a long time
- the news about increasing the school fee rankled me.

4. Squander
- to use something in a foolish or wasteful way
- Synonyms: blow, dissipate, fiddle away, fritter
Mom scolded my younger sister as she squandered it just to make dough.

5. Leery
- feeling or showing a lack of trust in someone or something
After the incident, I labelled him a leery friend.

23/3/2015- Monday

1. Impede
- to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)
- Synonyms: clog, cramp, embarrass, encumber, fetter, handcuff, handicap, hinder
In order to impede the crime among the teenagers, government have to play an enormous role.

2. Bellicose
- having or showing a tendency to argue or fight
- Synonyms: aggressive, agonistic, argumentative
I'm going to step backward when the bellicose vendetta start to trigger.

3. Precarious
- not safe, strong, or steady
- synonyms: dangerous
The owner of the house decided to sell the precarious house.

4. Pertinent
- relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed
- Synonyms: applicable, apposite, apropos
His main idea pertinently to the answer given by Lisa just now.

5. Spurn
- to refuse to accept
- Synonyms: balk, deselect, disapprove

Saturday, July 4, 2015

5/7/2015- Sunday

"You get into her body and you must get out now!"
You can't get rid of it. Indeed you must face it. Too many symbolic meaning in the movie though if you get it.

Analogically, the Babadook symbolize the grief that haunted the mother's life. Oscar, her husband died in the accident just before he be a father of a child. And after the incident, the mother felt a great pathetic. She just try to say that she moved on and don't even allow anyone to talk about her husband. Well, as said before, you can't get rid of Babadook. At the end of the story, the mother realize an apt place of the grief where she can visit. She actually defeated the grief. She did it.

Besides, the moment where at first the mother kills the dog also give the symbolic I think. It shows that her early ego that dominated herself. After that, from the story book, it should be her son. Slowly, the ego fade away after she realize that she actually love her son.

But actually, I don't really satisfied with the ending of the story. I was like "what? It just like they live happily! With BABADOOK in that room?" Well, I expected that all of them die just like the late night news watched by the mother. There here goes. So another symbolic comes. Which mean that actually that mothers can't move on with the reality that happened to her life- death of her husband. So she just follow the husband's instruction to take the boy with them. In fact to bring the whole family into doom.

I think this way will be more tragic and give a great impact. Just from my view. Anyway, I enjoyed this movie. Thanks Mdm Zue^^

Thursday, July 2, 2015

HOW TO.....

Easy to make. Easy to melt.
So today, I want to share with you a recipe of (I don't know the exact name for this cake). Really, you must try this especially for chocolate lover. Just follow these simple steps.

Before that, these are the materials needed
1. Oreo
2. A bar of chocolate cadbury
3. Butter
4. Condensed milk (orang melayu panggil susu cair)
5. Any fruits (ex:strawberry, peach, etc)

The steps are:
1. First of all, blend the oreo without the cream. Make sure it turn into small pieces but not too small.

2. Mix the crushed oreo with butter. Blend it together. (Tips: don't put too much butter or else, your cake will be easily melt)

3. Put the mixture of oreo into a container. Compress it. The oreo is the first layer of your cake.

4. Then, the chocolate that being melt at the room temperature is then blend.

5. Put the milk into the blended chocolate. Not too much milk. Blend it again.

6. Pour the mixture into the container that contain the oreo.

7. Put the container into the freezer.

8. Then, you can decorate it with your own creativity.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

20/3/2015 - Friday

Today, I'm not going anywhere, not going to do anything, and not plan to do anything except for homework. Student's life....

1. Slapdash
- quick and careless
- Synonyms: aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard
"Trust me, their slapdash experiment will not produce any splendid result" Salem said.

2. Impregnable
- not likely to be weakened or changed
- Synonyms: bulletproof, invincible, indomitable, insuperable, insurmountable
Impregnable spirit of Ottoman's army with the complete package of Iman and Taqwa made them able to conquer the powerful city, Constantinople.

3. Finagle
- to trick (someone) in order to get something
- Synonyms: contrive, engineer, finesse, frame, machinate, maneuver
Just to be fair, that group was eliminated form the contest for using finagle way to win.

4. Decimation
- to severely damage or destroy a large part of something
- Synonyms: annihilate, cream, destroy, demolish, desolate, devastate
The bombing of Hiroshima had decimated the part of Japan and cause death , genetic mutation, and economic crisis.

5. Staid
- serious, boring, or old-fashioned
The staid design of the skirt not even attract the buyers to buy it.

19/3/2015- Thursday

1. Assiduous
- showing great care, attention, and effort
- Synonyms: active, busy, bustling, diligent, employed, engaged
The teachers are assiduous for students especially during examination.

2. Obnoxious
- unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted
- Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting
Obnoxious law of my college cease the ability of students to be creative in their own way.

3. Apt
- appropriate or suitable
- Synonyms: prone, given, inclined, tending, proper
Audiences are required to wear apt attire for the grand ceremony that are going to be held at Putra Hall.

4. Atypical
- not usual or normal
- Synonyms: aberrant, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous
The atypical  blood that came out from his mouth just now make me curious. Is he had any disease?

5. Exodus
- a situation in which many people leave a place at the same time
An exodus moment when population in Kalimantan begin to decline considering the earthquake that destroy their belongings.

22/3/2015- Sunday

Seriously, Im not feeling very well today. I guess thus is because of yesterday short vacation at Air Terjun Gunung Ledang. Hopefully its not lectosprosis(I'm not really sure the spelling actually). Hacchum.

1. Pester
- to annoy or bother (someone) in a repeated way
- Synonyms: bug, chivy, disturb, bother
My younger sister always pester me whenever Im doing my homework.

2. Staid
- serious, boring, or old-fashioned
Yesterday staid event really make me sleepy.

3. Travail
- a difficult experience or situation
- Synonyms: affliction, agony, anguish, excruciation
Even though she is only 12 years old,  she have to do work in order to earn money for her family. Her travail life make her stronger.

4. Junta
- a military group controlling a government after taking control of it by force

5. Moot
- to introduce (an idea, subject, etc.) for discussion
- Synonyms: arguable, controvertible, disputable, doubtable, doubtful
As a first speaker of gevornent part in the debate, he mooted the idea of the topic.

Monday, June 29, 2015


Once upon a time, in the jungle full of candies, there lived a sweet couple ever named SHREK AND FIONA. After going through up and down to get his true love, at last, Shrek get Fiona's love. And Fiona remain Fiona, the ugly one. They lived adventurously - took their bath in the mud, gobbled up maggots, decorated their house with rats as lamps. Their neighbour was Tarzan, which could be consider as the most handsome guy in the jungle. Fiona ever fell in love with Tarzan, but then Tarzan refused because Fiona was too ugly.

After a long time, Fiona got pregnant. During the day of birth, a witch came with a broom. The first baby came out was a green cute girl, the second one was a slightly muddy green baby girl but have a long hair, the third one was born and suddenly cried with melody- indeed her voice was splendid. The forth one was quite eccentric. It was a black egg! At first, Fiona refused to take care of the egg, but the witch advised her to take good care of it because the miracle would happen- with the grin smile. It was a promise that Fiona would take good care of the egg or else, something bad would happen. Instead of Fiona, Shrek took care of the egg. Until the moment the egg hatched, suddenly, a black duck come out from the egg. Fiona and Shrek shocked. But still, Shrek and Fiona gave the name to the duck. AURORA.

The duck was abandoned by her family members just because she was the only one that had different features. She then isolated herself at a pond near to Tarzan's tree. While the duck was lamenting a pathetic story of her alone, Tarzan was actually looked at her from far. Then Mermaid come out from the pond. Actually, Tarzan and the little Mermaid, Aerial had a date. And to avoid the duck from interrupting their moment together, Aerial introduced Aurora with her friend which also ugly-a frog. Aurora spent time together with the frog because they were both in the same boat. They traveled together leaving their family and relatives at the jungle.

Most of the time they spent filled with happiness and joy. They shared their feeling, sorrow and they almost wanted to make a plastic surgery to make them handsome and beautiful. Sadly, the service wasn't available for them.

One day, Aurora and the frog arrived at a small, ugly hut. Then, they enter in it and found a witch was doing a spell. They just peeked from the door. After the witch done with the spell, she then went into a big mirror and said this " Mirror, mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" A woman named Snow White then appeared in the mirror. The witch went on yellow streak. She then grab a spelled apple on the table and her broom. Suddenly disappeared from the view of Aurora and the frog.

Aurora and the frog immediately slipped into the hut to find any spell to make them handsome and beautiful. Luckily, they found a bottle filled with a recipe entitled " HOW TO BE WONDERFUL CREATURES EVER". Exactly, they found what do they searching for.

1. A spelled apple
2. Magic beans
3. A glass shoe
4. A flying carpet
5. Baked maggots coated with mud

The first thing that they have to get was a spelled apple. The witch just leave. So they must get hurry. Then, they run, run and run as fast as they can and ops,  the frog jump. Until then, Aurora fell because of the witch's broom. "Euu, god! How mess is she. Just left her belonging everywhere". At that particular time, the witch was giving the apple to the Snow White. They stole it from Snow white and run away.

The next station was at the Jack's village. To get the bean. Man, a small matter. Easy peasy to get.

Then, went to Cinderella's place. Yet, they still need to wait until 12 am. Because they want it immediately, they just took it before the Cinderella went for the grand ball.

Then, they went to Aladdin's country. Aladdin want to date with Yasmin Kamilia. He usually put the flying carpet beside his bed. But its not there. Owh man.

Ok. The last part was really challenging for Aurora especially. On that dinner, luckily Fiona cooked Shrek's favorite meal, baked maggots coated with mud. Yeah. On that particular moment, Aurora saw her siblings. Indeed, they're having dinner happily. She just asked the frog to take it. Deep in her heart, she felt really sad.

After completing all the things needed, Aurora and the frog return to the hut an put all the ingredients in a big pot.

Aurora started to recite the spell. Then, they drank it together.

JENG..... JENG..... JENG.....
So what happened next? What kind of wonderful creatures the became? Do they happy with it? Of course they do.

Aurora became ELSA while the Frog became JACK FROST. The feeling on that moment was undescribable. But, they can't stand with such high surrounding temperature. So they moved to Antarctic. They built a castle and lived together happily ever after.

Even though they turn from the ugly creatures into the best creatures ever, however they still felt the loneliness. They left their family members, relatives and friends. Now, they have nothing but beauty.

Beauty doesn't mean anything actually. It comes from the deep inside. Beauty comes when you be confident with yourself and enjoy your life ;)

Monday, May 25, 2015

18/3/2015- Wednesday

1. Amicable
- showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument
- Synonyms: agreeable, harmonious, compatible, congenial, frictionless, kindred, unanimous, united
I wish I could be as amicable as Faris. He is a happy-go-lucky person.

2. Acrid
-  bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell
- Synonyms: bitter, acrimonious, embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore
I don't like acrid foods such as Tapi, durian and petai.

3. Hedonism
- the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life
To build a harmony atmosphere in a family, ones have to plant hedonism.

4. Impetuous
- acting or done quickly and without thought
When someone pacify her, the impetuous character will appear.

5. Benevolent
- kind and generous
- Synonyms: beneficent, humane, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindhearted
I desire her. She is a benevolent person.

17/3/2015- Tuesday

1. Glib
- speaking in a smooth, easy way that is not sincere
I was late. But then, I tried to use my glib intonation to persuade Sir Razak. Oh yes, my excuse accepted.

2. Abbreviate
- to reduce (a word or name) to a shorter form/ to make something shorter
- Synonyms: shorten, abridge, curtail, cut back, dock, elide, syncopate, truncate
Mdm Zu adviced us, the whole class to avoid flowery sentences in our essay by abbreviating the sentences.

3. Censure
- official strong criticism
- Synonyms: commination, condemnation, denunciation
A group of student shows their censure about homework via social network such as facebook and twitter had been bashed by the society.

4. Evanescent
- lasting a very short time
- Synonyms: brief, deciduous, ephemeral, momentary, flash
When you love someone because of her beauty, then trust me that your love is an evanescent.

5. Frugal
- careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to (using money or supplies in a very careful way)
- Synonyms: economical, economizing, provident, scrimping, sparing, thrifty
She is a frugal person as she never outing and hangout with her friends during weekend unless if she need to.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

16/3/2015 - Monday

1. Cornucopia
- a great amount or source of something
Cornucopia food to the flash flood victims at least may help them to light their burdens.

2. Savvy
- verb, adjective, noun
- having practical understanding or knowledge of something
- Synonyms: astute, canny, clear-eyed, clear-sighted
The savvy concept of pressure make me daze all the night.

3. Glib
- speaking in a smooth, easy way that is not sincere
- try to glib with your teachers in order to persuade them not to give more homework.

4. Decimation
- to severely damage or destroy a large part of something
- Synonyms: annihilate, destroy, demolish, desolate, devastate, do in, extinguish
The oil spill to the river lead to the decimation of aquatic creatures.

5. Connive
- to secretly help someone do something dishonest or illegal
- Synonyms: wink
In order to be selected to be the student of that elite school, he asks her father to connive him.

14/3/2015- Saturday

Words of the day

1. Absurd
- extremely silly, foolish, or unreasonable
- Synonyms: fantastic, bizarre, crazy, fanciful, foolish, insane
Haha. His absurd face make me laugh.

2. Persimonious
- very unwilling to spend money
- Synonyms: cheap, chintzy, close, closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggard, niggardly, stingy
Though he is a rich person, but is known as a parsimonious person in the village.

3. Quixotic
- hopeful or romantic in a way that is not practical
- Synonyms: idealist, idealistic, romantic, starry
I am a quixotic person especially with my love where as I usually make something to her secretly.

4. An masse
- as a single group , all together
- En masse we make this night meaningful.

5. Caprice
- a sudden change in someone's mood or behavior
- Synonyms: bee, whim, crank, fancy, freak, humor, kink, maggot
A caprice led him to make decision without thinking.

Friday, April 17, 2015

15/3/2015 - Sunday

1. Soporific
- causing a person to become tired and ready to fall asleep
- Synonyms: drowsy, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, slumberous
The saporific dance training for the whole day make me tired.

2. Debilitate
- to make someone or something weak or to reduce the strength
- Synonyms: weaken, devitalize, enervate, enfeeble, etiolate, prostrate
Mascular dystrophy delibitate someone and cause the patient to die at the early age.

3. Vicarious
- experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself
Learning vicariously can help student understand effectively.

4. Emulate
- to try to be like someone or something you admire
- Taylor Swift is my idol. I'm trying to emulate her.

5. Exalt
- to raise someone or something to a higher level
- Synonyms: aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate, ennoble
I exalt the boost up her spirit to do her work nicely.

13/3/2015 - Friday

1. Decorum
- correct or proper behavior that shows respect and good manners
- Synonyms: decency, form, propriety
You have to mantain the decorum in the interview in order to be selected for the job.

2. Ubiquitous
- seeming to be seen everywhere
- Synonyms: common or garden , commonplace, everyday, familiar, frequent
The trend of Korean style recently ubiquitous in Malaysia.

3. Propitious
- likely to have or produce good results
- Synonyms: auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening, likely, optimistic
His propitious step can lead him to success in his examination.

4. Sporadic
- happening often but not regularly
- Synonyms: aperiodic, casual, catchy, choppy, discontinuous, episodic
My sporadic allergic happen again and again. It getting worst.

5. Hedonism
- the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life
- Synonyms: carnality, debauchery, sensuality, sybaritism, voluptuousness
Hedonism believe that money can't buy love.

12/3/2015 - Thursday

Ok. Ok. I surrender. At last. I step out of my bed. For the activity week. I joined the activity of making kite. Hahahaha. Never had experience of making kite.

1. Pervasive
- existing in every part of something
The cancer cells pervasively spread in her body and killed her violently.

2. Conscientious
- very careful about doing what you are supposed to do
- Synonyms: conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, just, moral, principled, scrupulous
She bring the beaker filled with 0.2 mol of sulphuric acid conscientiously.

3. Capricious
- changing often and quickly
- Synonyms: fickle, changeable, changeful, flickery, fluctuating, fluid, inconsistent, inconstant
Girls usually tend to have capricious mood spring PMS.

4. Rascal
- a person and especially a young person who causes trouble or does things that annoy people
My rascal brother always disturb me when I am doing my job.

5. Stupefy
- to shock or surprise (someone) very much
- Synonyms: amaze, astonish, astound, bowl over, dumbfound
She said that she was really shock on her stupefy birthday surprise last year.

Ok. Here is our kite from the representative of MADPP students. The only group represented by girls. A nice kite but unfortunately, it can't be flied. Cry. Maybe because of the decoration.
(Tu acah je naikkan kite, but actually there's nothing. Haha)
Ok. Our team. Boooom!

11/3/2015 - Wednesday

Urm. Ok. Activity week in KKTM LEDANG. Unlike the activity week in my previous school. Everything was compulsory. No matter what. We had to involve. But not here anymore. Only certain of them who are interested to join. For sur , that is not me. Hehe. Lazy. Kinda jealous when they said the activities was fascinating. But. Naah. Lazy. Just vegetating in my room. For about 4 days.

1. Paltry
- very small or too small in amount
- Synonyms: cheap, cruddy, deplorable, despicable, dirty, grubby, lame
Paltry exercise make us fail in the exam.

2. Invigorate
- to give life and energy to (someone)
- Synonyms: amp (up), brace, energize, enliven, fillip, fire, ginger (up), animate, jazz (up)
Crush actually can invigorate yourself.

3. Dwindle
- to gradually become smaller
- Synonyms: abate, de-escalate, dent, deplete, diminish
My clothes dwindled after I use that dryer.

4. Trite
- not interesting or effective because of being used too often
- Synonyms: banal, cliché , cobwebby, commonplace, hack, hackney, hackneyed, moth-eaten
The manager rejected the trite advertisement.

5. Laconic
- using few words in speech or writing
- Synonyms: aphoristic, apothegmatic, brief, capsule, compact, compendious, crisp, curt
His laconic summary about the story was fabulous.

Here am I. In my room. No one. Just with my bae����

10/3/2015 - Tuesday

1. Mitigate
- to make something less severe, harmful, or painful
- Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
The wall at least can mitigate the the country from being attack by opponents.

2. Eradicate
- to remove something completely
- Synonyms: abolish, black out, blot out, cancel
Don't try to eradicate me from this group or else you will be regret.

3. Thwart
- to prevent someone  from doing something or to stop something from happening
I am thwarting her so that she'll forget about her date with a mysterious guy.

4. Esoteric
- only taught to or understood by members of a special group : hard to understand
- Synonyms: abstruse, arcane, deep, profound, hermetic
The medical terms which use by the doctors are usually esoteric to be understand.

5. Grandiose
- seeming to be impressive or intended to be impressive but not really possible or practical
- Synonyms: august, baronial, epic, gallant, glorious, grand
The grandiose idea of the director was nonsense unless if he tries to make it real.

9/3/2015 - Monday

1. Approbation
- praise or approval
- Synonyms: approval, blessing, favor, imprimatur
Some of us need approbation in order to raise their spirit.

2. Rage
- a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control
- Synonyms: agitation, deliriousness, delirium, distraction
His annoying attitudes makes people around him rages.

3. Eshew
- to avoid something especially because you do not think it is right, proper, etc.
- Synonyms: avoid, dodge, duck, elude
To eschew rape cases among girls especially, everyone must follow do's and don't.

4. Enthrall
- to hold the attention of someone by being very exciting, interesting, or beautiful
- Synonyms: arrest, bedazzle, catch up, enchant, fascinate
The sellers at the market are enthralling
To attract customers.

5. Encumber
- to make someone or something hold or carry something heavy
- Synonyms: clog, cramp, embarrass, hamper, fetter, handcuff, handicap
The tasks are encumbering for him.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

8/3/2015- Sunday

1. Silhouette
- the shape or outline of something

2. Benevolent
- kind and generous
- Synonyms: beneficent, humane, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, kind, kindhearted
She is a benevolent person.

3. Cumbersome
- hard to handle or manage because of size or weight
- it was terrible. I brought a cumbers cumbersome trelling bag, for hiking.

4. Inadvertant
- not intended or planned
- Synonyms: casual, chance, fluky
The inadvertant vacation was tiring but was an awesome short vacation indeed.

5. Animosity
- a strong feeling of dislike or hatred
- Synonyms: enmity, animus, antagonism, antipathy
Candidness is better than being an animosity of someone.

5/3/2015- Thursday

Who like to be at hometown? Aloof. Ok. Honestly, I don't like to stay at the village. I mean stay at my village alone. It make me bored. Without internet connection, what are you expect me to do? But I have to.

Somehow, village also can be a tranquil place, especially after having my Spm result. As village are isolated from hustle bustle of the city. At the end of this post, I'll show some pic of my hometown.

Words of the day.

1. Demean
- to insult or to cause someone to lose dignity
I was like demeaning myself when I was entering the male toilet. I am a girl!

2. Derisive
- abusing vocally / expressing contempt or redicule
- Synonyms: absurd, cockamamy, comical, ridiculous
I was surprised by his derisive behavior. Usually, he is a happy-go-lucky person.

3. Witty
- funny and clever
- Synonyms: clever, facetious, humorous, jocular, smart
Syakirah is a witty girl as she can solve the math problem just in a blink of eye.

4. Sardonic
- showing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something
- synonyms: sarcastic
Cease being sardonic. I hate you.

5. Malady
- a disease or illness
- Synonyms: affection, ail, ailment
The malady that being spread through the air make the population of the world become decrease.

Friday, April 3, 2015

7/ 3/2015- Saturday

1. Tarnish
- to become or cause (metal) to become dull and not shiny/ to damage or ruin the good quality of (something, such as a person's reputation, image, etc.)
- Synonyms: blemish, darken, poison
His behavior tarnished his reputation.

2. Pallid
- dull and uninteresting
- Synonyms: ashen, ashy, blanched, cadaverous, doughy, livid, lurid, mealy, paled, pale, pasty, peaked
The advertisement look pallid.

3. Cloistered
- separated from the rest of the world
- Synonyms: secluded, covert, hidden, isolated
In Emily's house, there was a cloistered room that never been opened for 40 years.

4. Devastate
- to cause (someone) to feel extreme emotional pain
- to destroy much or most of (something) / to cause great damage or harm to (something)
- Synonyms: destroy, ravage, ruin, scourge
The news about his fathre's death devastated him to be isolated in his room for a long period.

5. Gregarious
- enjoying the company of other people
- Synonyms: boon, clubbable , clubby, companionable, extroverted
We gregariously enjoyed during the party last night.

Huh. Back to college. Oh my. Pity my dad. He had to send me to the college which took for about 3 hours from my home. Then, he must rushed to Hus office. Another journey that took about 5 hours.
Pity him. He sacrifices a lot for me. Drive carefully, Abah.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

6/3/2015- Friday

1. Prominent
- important and well-known/ easily noticed or seen
- synonyms see noticeable
Her sadness prominently seen by her facial expression.

2. Perpetuity
- the state of continuing forever or for a very long time
- Synonyms: everlasting, foreverness, infinity, eternity
In order to perpetuate the new words, ones should practice to use in daily life.

3. Coquettish
- a woman who likes to win the attention or admiration of men but does not have serious feelings for them
That coquettish girl just jumbling mens' feeling.

4. Edict
- an official order given by a person with power or by a government

5. Sluggishly
- moving slowly or lazily
- Synonyms: crawling, creeping, dallying, dawdling, dilatory
Is that a sluggish crocodile behind that bushes?

Yeah. Family dinner! The most crucial moment when we're together. And also make me fat. Fat. And fatter. Haha. But yet. Precious moment :) tomorrow, I'm going to college.

Hello my big appetite. My big belly. My big ......

Saturday, March 28, 2015

4/3/2015 - Wednesday

1. Evasive
- not honest or direct
- Synonyms: elusive, fugitive, slippery
I rather be an evasive person than be an honest person.

2. Aloof
- not involved with or friendly toward other people.
- Synonyms: cool, antisocial, asocial, buttoned-up, cold, cold-eyed, detached
Teenagers nowadays are tends to be a passive person as they always aloof rather than being in a crowd.

3. Prudence
- careful good judgment that allows someone to avoid danger or risks
- Synonyms: alertness, care, carefulness, cautiousness, chariness, circumspection
Parents are responsible to give prudence advice because prevention is better than cure.

4. Skitter
- to move quickly and lightly along a surface
We enjoyed our moment during the last winter skittered on the icy surface, built the snow man and and played with the snow.

5. Sordid
- very bad or dishonest
- Synonyms: bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bemired
For me, I think she is the cruel women I ever met even though she is beautiful, but actuallty she is a sordid person and always bad-mouth of other person.

3/3/2015- Tuesday

 SPM results was released just now. And thanks to Allah for giving me this result and there must be the reasons for something that happened. For my parents,  this is the best that i did. And hope you'll like it. Once again, congratulation to all of my friends ;)

1. Affluent
- having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things
- Synonyms: rich, deep-pocketed, fat, fat-cat, flush, loaded, moneyed, opulent, silk-stocking, wealthy, well-endowed, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-to-do
Even though she come from an affluent background, but she never smug.

2. Surly
- rude and unfriendly
- Synonyms: glum, mopey, pouting, pouty, sullen, sulky
My father made a report about the surly waitress.

3. Tumult
- a state of noisy confusion or disorder
- Synonyms: ado, alarums and excursions, ballyhoo, blather, bluster, bobbery, bother, bustle
I can't sleep in the tumult condition.

4. Dearth
- the state or condition of not having enough of something
- Synonyms: crunch, deficiency, deficit, failure, famine, inadequacy, inadequateness, insufficiency, lack, lacuna, paucity, pinch, poverty, scantiness
The floods victim are given the basics needs such us rice, sugar, and biscuits due to the dearth.

5. Obliging
- willing to help
- Synonyms: accommodative
The young boy obligingly help the old-blind man to cross the road.

1/3/2015- Sunday

1. Vulnerable
- easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally
- Synonyms: endangered, exposed, open, sensitive, subject (to), susceptible, liable
My skin easily get burn as I'm vulnerable to the direct expose of sunlight.

2. Reticent
- not willing to tell people about things
- Synonyms: close, closemouthed, dark, secretive, tight-mouthed, uncommunicative
In order to be a good counselor, one must be a reticent person to keep their patient's secret.

3. Meticulous
- very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way
- Synonyms: careful, conscientious, fussy, loving, painstaking, scrupulous
He did a meticulous job to complete his project perfectly.

4. Conversant
- able to talk in a foreign language
- Synonyms: abreast, acquainted, au courant, familiar, informed, knowledgeable, up, up-to-date, versed, well-informed
She is highly conversant since she learnt language last two years ago.

5. Clandestine
- done in a private place or way
- Synonyms: backstairs, behind-the-scenes, secret, covert, furtive, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, private, privy, sneak
He clandestines the birthday prank of his best friend.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

28/2/2015- Saturday

1. Austere
- simple or plain
- Synonyms: severe, authoritarian, flinty, hard, harsh, heavy-handed, ramrod, rigid, rigorous, stern
I most prefer an austere outfit for the occasion tonight.

2. Godsend
- something that provides great and usually unexpected help when it is needed
- Synonyms: benediction, benefit, boon, felicity, blessing, good, manna, windfall
He smiled when Katie admitted that the bicycle was a godsend.

3. Hover
- to float in the air without moving in any direction
- Synonyms: drift, glide, hang, float, poise, ride, sail, swim, waft
I'm still wondering how was that balloon still hovering in the air after some point.

4. Obnoxious
- unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted
- Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, evil, foul, fulsome, gross, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, loathsome, nasty
She obnoxiously scold at her maid without concerning the maid's feeling.

5. Adorn
- to make  more attractive by adding something beautiful
- Synonyms: decorate, array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, caparison, deck, do, doll up, do up, drape, dress, embellish, emblaze, emboss, enrich, fancify, fancy up, festoon, garnish
The lace adorn that dress.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

27/2/2015- Friday

1. Germane
- relating to a subject in an appropriate way
- Synonyms: applicable, apposite, apropos, pertinent, material, pointed, relative, relevant
Her thought was totally germane to the actual concept.

2. Pension
- an amount of money that a company or the government pays to a person who is old or sick and no longer works
She was pension off after she was retired.

3. Decease
- the death of a person
The police still searching for the proof of that mysterious decease case.

4. Grandiloquent
- a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner
- Synonyms: bluster, brag, cockalorum, fanfaronade, gas, gasconade, bombast, hot air

5. Fraternity
- a group of people who have the same job, interests

Saturday, March 14, 2015

26/2/2015- Thursday

1. Fraudulent
-  done to trick someone for the purpose of getting something valuable
- Synonyms: crooked, deceitful, defrauding, dishonest, double-dealing, false
Usually, the term of "sugar baby" are used for fraudulent girl that want a luxurious life.

2.  Interim
- a period of time between events
- Synonyms: discontinuity, hiatus, hiccup (also hiccough), gap, interlude, intermission, interregnum, interruption, interstice, interval, parenthesis
Students nts are given an interim period for resting before proceeding the program.

3. Eloquent
- having or showing the ability to use language clearly and effectively
- Synonyms: articulate, fluent, silver-tongued, well-spoken
After having an English class for a month, Shaasi can speak eloquently.

4. Tremendous
- very large or great
- Synonyms: bumper, colossal, cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, galactic, gargantuan, giant, gigantesque, gigantic, grand, herculean, heroic, immense, jumbo, king-size , leviathan, mammoth, massive, mega, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, oceanic, pharaonic, planetary, prodigious, super, super-duper, supersize, supersized, titanic, huge, vast, vasty, walloping, whacking, whopping
The concert last night was so tremendous.

5. Perennial
- existing or continuing in the same way for a long time
- Synonyms: ageless, continuing, dateless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, lasting, ongoing, abiding, perpetual, timeless, undying
This perennial way of learning should be maintain to ensure the record of the school at the top of rank.